About Us

About Yasmine – The Face Behind The Faceless Marketing Fairy

Welcome to my little corner of the internet! Hello! I’m Yasmine, a 21-year-old from the quaint county of Shropshire, England. In 2023, I embarked on a daring adventure, leaving behind my 9 to 5 as a digital marketing executive. Marketing was my passion, but deep down, I yearned for something more - to be my own boss.

So, Why Faceless Marketing Fairy? Let me spill the tea...

My digital selling adventure kicked off back in 2020. But here's a little secret: I'm an extroverted introvert (yeah, it's a thing!). It means I'm all bubbly and outgoing when I click with people, but otherwise, I'm Miss Shy. This quirky mix made it super tricky to put myself out there, especially with videos or chatting about how I could lend a hand to others.

Despite these hiccups, I did have my moments selling digital goodies. That's when I knew the whole passive income dream wasn't just a fairytale. The game-changer? Stumbling upon faceless marketing. Oh, and if you're curious, definitely sneak a peek at our blogs and Instagram for the deets! These folks were raking in the dough selling MRR products without breaking a sweat in creation.

After some serious social media sleuthing and questioning everything I thought I knew, I finally dove into the 'Simply Passive MRR Digital Marketing Course for Beginners'. Coming from the corporate world, I was gobsmacked at how much I picked up – it’s like they start from scratch!

Guess what? In just my first month, I bagged over £1,700 without any viral fairy dust. That's when I thought, "Yasmine, girl, you've got to take this up a notch!" And so, I set out to craft a home for top-notch digital products with MRR/PLR rights. Why? So you can kickstart your own enchanting journey.

So, lovely, why not join me here at Faceless Marketing Fairy? We’re all about demystifying the marketing magic, especially for those who shine brighter behind the scenes. Together, let's turn your passion into a flourishing online empire. Can't wait to see where this road takes us! 💖